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Fraser and his team have dealt with all manner of behavioural problems and have a superb track record in the field. Having worked with over 2000 dogs, including hundreds of reactive rescues, they guarantee honest and realistic advice for your situation.

About Fraser Noble

Fraser grew up in the Scottish countryside, always surrounded by animals, particularly dogs. From herding and gun dogs to family pets, his lifelong passion for dogs led him to complete his first dog training certification in 2000. However, his journey took a pivotal turn when he and his wife adopted Athos, a reactive 'Singapore Special' mongrel. Athos' struggles with reactivity towards older men and certain dogs pushed Fraser to deepen his understanding of canine behaviour.


This led him to upgrade his knowledge through extensive courses in animal psychology, dog training, and behaviourism, earning diplomas in Canine Behaviourism and Dog Training. His commitment to helping Athos not only improved their bond but also inspired him to leave his corporate job and start Noble Canine, a full-time dog training and behaviour service.


Fraser and his team have since built a great reputation in Singapore, particularly in assisting families with new dogs and managing reactive rescues. His ability to create harmonious relationships between children and pets has earned him the respect and confidence of clients and industry professionals alike. Fraser now shares his home with three rescue 'Singapore Specials,' his wife, April, and their daughter, Freya.


Our Services

“Fraser is a superb trainer! It’s a guarantee you and your dog will love him. He’s definitely the go-to dog trainer in Singapore."


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Image by Erda Estremera


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